قائمة الأسعار

Variscose Vein Treatment (1.000€ - 4.000€)

تختلف تكلفة علاج دوالي الساقين حسب انتشار أوردة الدوالي في الساقين، وحسب درجة الدوالي و التقنية المستخدمة لعلاجها، حيث يتوجب على المريض ارسال صور واضحة للمناطق المنتشرة فيها الدوالي أو نتيجة تحليل الموجات فوق الصوتية (إذا توفّر). ثم يتم عرض الصور على الطبيب المختص الذي يقوم بتشخيص مبدأي لحالة المريض واعتماداً على التشخيص يتم تحديد التكلفة.

Hemangioma Treatment (1.500€ - 7.500€)

في علاج الورم الوعائي، تختلف تكلفة العلاج بناءً على التقنية المستخدمة و بناءً على حجم و نوع و مكان تواجد و كثافة الورم الموجود لدى المريض. قد يطلب الطبيب تحليل الموجات فوق الصوتية أو تحليل الرنين المغناطيسي خلال الاستشارة التي ننظمها عبر الهاتف بحضور الطبيب المختص، و بناءً عليه يتم التشخيص الأولي لحالة المريض و من ثم تحديد متوسط التكلفة.

Excessive Sweating Treatment (500€ - 2.000€)

Pricing of this treatment depends on the patients’ needs and variety of the areas to be treated. In order to decide prior to patients visit to Climed Clinics, our team will arrange a short phone call discussion with one of our doctors. This service is be free-of-charge. Afterwards, our team will be able to inform the patient about the pricing and organization.

Immune Booster Glutathione Therapy (400€ - 3.000€)

In order to decide on the eligibility of the patient for this therapy, there are several factors to be known; such as patients past medical records, patient’s age and social life routines, etc. This will take as short as 5 minutes conversation on the phone with one of our doctors. This service will be booked by Team Climed and will be free-of-charge. Afterwards, our team will be able to inform on the pricing and organization.

Mole Remowal (200€ - 5.000€)

In these treatments pricing depends on the diseased areas, sizes and amounts. This information can easily be provided when the patient provide us clearly taken photos of the areas to be treated. Our team will be able to provide you pricing information within 1-2 hours.

Warts Treatment (300€ - 6.000€)

In these treatments pricing depends on the diseased areas, sizes and amounts. This information can easily be provided when the patient provide us clearly taken photos of the areas to be treated. Our team will be able to provide you pricing information within 1-2 hours.

Callus Treatment (200€ - 3.000€)

يمكن تحديد تكلفة العلاج بسهولة عن طريق الصور، حيثُ نطلب من المريض ارسال صور واضحة لأماكن تواجد الشامات أو الثآليل، و بناءً على الصور يتم عرض الحالة على الطبيب المختص لتحديد تقنية العلاج المناسبة و متوسط التكلفة.

Gall Bladder Laparoscopy (3.000 €)

If the patient is already diagnosed for the diseases by a medical doctor before, our doctors will plan the treatment based on the patients’ test results on diagnosis.


If not, we will book a time and direct the patient to one of our doctors to discuss via phone call or Skype/FaceTime. So, our doctors can diagnose the diseases prior to patients’ visit here to Climed Clinics based on the symptoms he/she has and information he/she can provide. At this stage doctor may ask for some tests to be done to further discussion on the diagnosis or some clear photos of the disseased areas to support the diagnostic.


This service is free-of-charge.


After the diagnosis stage, doctor will inform the patient on the appropriate treatment options he/she has and provide further information if needed.


Lastly, Team Climed will contact the patient after the treatment is decided to organize his/hers visit to Istanbul and inform him/her on the pricing.

Pilonidal Sinus Treatment (1.000€ - 2.000€)

If the patient is already diagnosed for the diseases by a medical doctor before, our doctors will plan the treatment based on the patients’ test results on diagnosis.


If not, we will book a time and direct the patient to one of our doctors to discuss via phone call or Skype/FaceTime. So, our doctors can diagnose the diseases prior to patients’ visit here to Climed Clinics based on the symptoms he/she has and information he/she can provide. At this stage doctor may ask for some tests to be done to further discussion on the diagnosis or some clear photos of the disseased areas to support the diagnostic.


This service is free-of-charge.


After the diagnosis stage, doctor will inform the patient on the appropriate treatment options he/she has and provide further information if needed.


Lastly, Team Climed will contact the patient after the treatment is decided to organize his/hers visit to Istanbul and inform him/her on the pricing.

Hemorrhoids Treatment (1.000€ - 3.000€)

If the patient is already diagnosed for the diseases by a medical doctor before, our doctors will plan the treatment based on the patients’ test results on diagnosis.


If not, we will book a time and direct the patient to one of our doctors to discuss via phone call or Skype/FaceTime. So, our doctors can diagnose the diseases prior to patients’ visit here to Climed Clinics based on the symptoms he/she has and information he/she can provide. At this stage doctor may ask for some tests to be done to further discussion on the diagnosis or some clear photos of the disseased areas to support the diagnostic.


This service is free-of-charge.


After the diagnosis stage, doctor will inform the patient on the appropriate treatment options he/she has and provide further information if needed.


Lastly, Team Climed will contact the patient after the treatment is decided to organize his/hers visit to Istanbul and inform him/her on the pricing.

Anal Fissure Treatment (1.000€ - 2.000€)

اذا كان المريض قد تم تشخيصه من قبل طبيب آخر، قد يعتمد طبيبنا بشكل مباشر على التشخيص السابق في تقييم الحالة و تحديد التقنية المناسبة و متوسط التكلفة.

ولكن في حال عدم تشخيص المريض من طبيب آخر، سنقوم بتوفير خدمة التشخيص المجانية عبر الهاتف بمشاركة الطبيب المختص، فقد يطلب الطبيب بعض التحليلات أو صور واضحة لحالة المريض، لتحديد التشخيص الأولي و بناءً عليه يتم تحديد التقنية المناسبة و متوسط تكلفة العلاج.

Anal Fistula Treatment (1.500€ - 5.000€)

If the patient is already diagnosed for the diseases by a medical doctor before, our doctors will plan the treatment based on the patients’ test results on diagnosis.


If not, we will book a time and direct the patient to one of our doctors to discuss via phone call or Skype/FaceTime. So, our doctors can diagnose the diseases prior to patients’ visit here to Climed Clinics based on the symptoms he/she has and information he/she can provide. At this stage doctor may ask for some tests to be done to further discussion on the diagnosis or some clear photos of the disseased areas to support the diagnostic.


This service is free-of-charge.


After the diagnosis stage, doctor will inform the patient on the appropriate treatment options he/she has and provide further information if needed.


Lastly, Team Climed will contact the patient after the treatment is decided to organize his/hers visit to Istanbul and inform him/her on the pricing.

Lipoma Treatment (200€ -2.000 €)

If the patient is already diagnosed for the diseases by a medical doctor before, our doctors will plan the treatment based on the patients’ test results on diagnosis.


If not, we will book a time and direct the patient to one of our doctors to discuss via phone call or Skype/FaceTime. So, our doctors can diagnose the diseases prior to patients’ visit here to Climed Clinics based on the symptoms he/she has and information he/she can provide. At this stage doctor may ask for some tests to be done to further discussion on the diagnosis or some clear photos of the disseased areas to support the diagnostic.


This service is free-of-charge.


After the diagnosis stage, doctor will inform the patient on the appropriate treatment options he/she has and provide further information if needed.


Lastly, Team Climed will contact the patient after the treatment is decided to organize his/hers visit to Istanbul and inform him/her on the pricing.